Dorset & Downs Wool Bedding Collections

September 14, 2017 1 min read

dorset and downs wool bedding logo

The Australian Alpaca Bedding Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Kelly & Windsor has released its new wool bedding range under its new brand name, Dorset & Downs

The brand name came from Dorset, a special cross breed of sheep which have an unusually high fibre crimp, ideal for bedding and Down's, the category of sheep's wool that is specially bred for its high loft fibre for bedding.

Initially the bedding range will be pure Australian wool quilts and it is planned to expand the range into wool underblankets and pillows. Read more

The new AABC Dorset & Downs brand has been specially designed to target the Chinese market and has been on sale for a few months with great success.

The brand design and logo style were designed by our design guru, Jake of Uniit Designs who did a great job in short order. The Dorset & Downs wool quilt packaging designs are on his front page, one scroll down on the right. Thanks Jake

For the domestic Australian market, Kelly & Windsor has the distribution rights to the D&D brand and their range of quality quilts are offered for sale on this site

Nina Davis
Nina Davis

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