Back again on TVSN in 2022 - Alpaca Gold 400 quilts

June 11, 2022 1 min read

Alpaca Gold 400  quilts featured on TVSN tv shopping

For the first time, we presented the Alpaca Gold 400 pure alpaca winter weight quilt collections together with a special and exclusive bundle offer of the quilt with pillows in several show events in 2022.

I thought the opportunity to present the Alpaca Gold 400 quilts on TVSN was a great opportunity and it was only after accepting the invitation did I think about checking stock levels. I didnt realize that we were close to zero stock so we actually had to specially make up the order for the TVSN shows.

The two shows in June were both sell outs, so the team at TVSN ran two follow up shows in August which were another sell out event. 


Trevor Beuth
Trevor Beuth

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